Freja 390
The Freja 390 benefits from IRnova’s leading T2SL technology and is accurate at extremely high temperatures. See through flames with highly advanced spectrum monitoring and watch even the hottest furnaces while maintaining stability.

The new Freja 390 detector filters out everything but a specific part of the spectrum to see through even exceptionally hot flames to make temperature measurements and provide for predictive maintenance in furnace and boiler installations. Freja is custom made for furnace inspections and can detect any number of faults, minimising costly downtime.
Optical gas imaging for any gas with absorption in the 3.9 µm range
Optimized for inspection of furnaces, heaters and boilers (see through flames)
Handheld and battery powered cameras
Mobile and stationary platforms
General information
Gas & pollution detection
Pixel pitch:
30 μm
Typical detector
Spectral range:
3.8 - 4.1 μm
F number options:
F/1.2, F/2
10 mK
Pixel operability:
99.9 %
Frame rate:
60 Hz
Selectable frame rate up to 60 Hz supported
Proximity electronics
Supply voltage:
12 V
Maximum frame rate:
60 Hz
Selectable frame rate supported
Electrical interfaces:
Camera Link
Cooler control and proximity electronics included
IDDCA Parameters
Cooler options:
FS R405K
RM3 or K508 options available
Power consumption:
6 W / 11 W
Steady state / Cooldown
Cool down time:
4 min
Cooler voltage:
12 V
24 V cooler options available
Weight and dimensions:
550 g
71x57x142 mm
Cooler MTTF:
10 000 h
Environmental conditions:
Product leaflet
Freja 390
Building something new? Our evaluation kits have everything you need to try our detectors and design your camera system. They’re modular and include a power supply, frame-grabbing electronics, image acquisition software and optics.
Plug in and get going in minutes!
Technical characteristics described above are not contractual and may change without prior notice. This is revision 1.0.